Good morning all! Another day, another blog, and this one is all about how amazing our experience was at the Northamptonshire Baby and Toddler Show last weekend. It was our first show, we were pretty nervous, but we worked hard to bring Lullaby Lu to the lovely people of Northamptonshire, and my goodness, you were DEFINITELY lullaby fans…!!!!
A Lullaby Listening Experience
Well, we set to work before the show to create something that would enhance your listening experience, and from that grew the idea and finally the creation of our custom made listening booth! We wanted to offer all visitors to our stand the chance to not just hear our lullabies, but experience them, to be able to shut out the noise and rumpus of the busy day and focus on the lullaby they chose to hear. You can see below a sneaky peep into our make-believe nursery, where our little baby ‘Ashley’ was snoozing in their dim yet twinkly room. The sky outside the window was black as soot, and the little wishing tree sparkled while Ashley dreamt. This was the scene that our visitors got to share when they popped the headphones on, sat down, started the gentle lullaby and drew the curtain around them…
We Wanted You to Know the Power of the Lullaby
Everyone who visited us and listened to our lullabies in our booth were thrilled with the whole experience, and what’s more, fell in love with the concept of having a lullaby that is personal and unique for a special baby. The power of the lullaby is immense and multi-faceted. Just on its basic level it is powerful as a song, a medium through which you can communicate love and devotion to your child, or a child close to you. But music itself is powerful on so many other levels, and can help to form attachment, develop memory and language and soothe and calm on an emotional and physical level.
We had on display one of our vinyl CDs within a large glass jar. This was more than a pretty display. We wanted to define the one thing that we believe epitomises the power of the lullaby – its ability to become embedded in your baby’s childhood, as a memory and a moment in time. Music does not need to be played all the time in order to exist, it exists infinitely within your mind. Recall a song your parents sang to you as a child, or a theme tune to a children’s show you loved to watch on television. You don’t just remember the music, you feel what you felt when you heard it. You see the room you were in and the people who were around you as you listened. You recall details such as clothes you were wearing, things you could smell and the layout of the room you were in.
That jar WAS the lullaby, capturing ALL those precious details. Play, sing or think of the lullaby and the jar is opened…
Your Lullaby Lu
We wanted, above all else, to let you know that we are here, ready and waiting to create your child’s lullaby. So many of you commented that there is nothing like this out there, or that you have not seen this anywhere else. We are quite new, but the lullaby itself is ancient, steeped in history and magic. We want to capture that magic and all its properties, personalise it and release it into your hands as a unique and powerful lullaby. The ultimate, personalised baby gift.
We loved meeting all of you who popped by, and we can’t wait to take Lullaby Lu on another excursion soon! Thank you for loving Lullaby Lu as much as we do!
Have a look at our lullabies and packages HERE