Christmas – Check!
Happy New Year to you!!! I am finally sat at my desk (*cough* er, kitchen table), with no other beings other than Scoobie-Do, our cocker spaniel. My girls have at last returned to school after a very long but immensely enjoyable Christmas break and I feel as though I can really knuckle down and attend to my poor baby that was somewhat neglected over the holidays (yes, Lullaby Lu. No real, neglected babies here. Just to be clear).
We opted for a quiet Christmas this year so it was just the immediate family and my sister. This meant no horrific ‘feed the world’ food shop, just another weekly shop with a few additional treats. It meant no furniture jigsaw puzzle while we try and turn a play room into a 5 star dining area. It meant no ‘schedule’ on the Big Day, with family arriving at x o’clock and dinner being cooked to a rather strict and looming deadline. It meant that after Christmas dinner we could decide to ditch pudding for a while and hit the presents, picking up where we left off after a lot of unwrapping and actually enjoying our Christmas pud because there was actually room in our tums! There were undoubtedly lots of perks. BUT… Nothing beats having your whole family with you at Christmas, and in spite of finding many pros along the way, I did feel a sadness at not opening the door to the masses, and having the usual hubbub of Christmas jollity.
A Wild New Year!
And then there’s New Year! I hope you all celebrated in style! I always find New Year a funny one. My receivers definitely pick up a prickle of excitement in the air as though something should be happening, so my head seems to get into ‘party’ gear, but somehow, as is the case most years, I end up on the sofa clutching a glass of bubbly, contemplating slipping off to bed at 10pm. Well this year was no exception. I had enjoyed prosecco (with Chambord – a vice, there’s no denying it) at lunch time, and as someone who generally doesn’t drink during the day or even during the week this was good going for me! So in the evening, when the party radar seemed to trigger the pouring of another glass (this time with Cassis), I indulged the whim while knowing full well that I wouldn’t get through it and would probably have to abort the mission. And mission failure was not far away. At 10:30pm I headed to Bed-fordshire, mentally chinking my glass with my fellow (partying) friends and eventually welcoming the new year in with a snore.
Hah! But anyway, no more on my wild side.
So here we are. 2017, a year (I hope) for lullabies and more lullabies. There is so much that we want to achieve at Lullaby Lu this year and we are wasting no time in getting on with doing it all. We made a few changes to the website before Christmas, and will continue to work on it to make it as user friendly as possible. Obviously, we can’t do this anywhere near as well as we would like without your input so please feel free to message me any suggestions or problems you find with the site.
We are going to be adding more lullabies and introducing some that include more than one name to ensure that siblings can enjoy a special lullaby together instead of separately.
We are also going to start opening the window into our world, and bringing you snip-its of what we are up to behind the scenes, how our lullabies come to be, and inviting you to join us on our journeys for inspiration and creativity. So if you haven’t already – follow us on Facebook at lullabylulullabies, follow us on Twitter @Nikkilullabylu, join us on Instagram at lullabylugifts and share our journey with us!!
Well, I think I’ll wrap things up there and get on with some lullaby writing! Next blog – back to basics, and a reminder of who we are, what we do and why it is just so damned special!
Have a wonderful, productive and positive week!